Friday, August 28, 2015

Instructional Newsletters

Each week I send out an instructional newsletter to our teachers.  It just gives everyone a glimpse of the week.  I always include a tip of the week. This tip revolves around our school focus. It might be feedback, student engagement, writer's workshop, etc.  I also include important info and reminder dates for the week.  I decided to offer this newsletter as a growing bundle and a template.  

I like to print the newsletter and keep them in a binder for quick reference and organization.

If you want the tips of the week prewritten then the growing bundle would be perfect for you.  However, if you want to write your own tips you might want to purchase the template.  

The template could easily be used for a classroom instructional newsletter.

Teach and Be Great!

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Using Alphabet Clip Art to Make Anchor Charts or Posters

I love to make an anchor chart!!! However, I must confess sometimes I just don't have the time needed to make those beautiful titles!!! It's time consuming to letter those charts and let's face it sometimes we just don't have time to sit and color. dawned on me why not create my titles using clip art??? Brilliant...right?? Not only does it look amazing but it's so much faster!!! It's easy peasy too!!!

1. Create your title in Power Point. Click insert. Add photo from a file.  Choose the clip art letters you want to use. I used my Funky Letters Alphabet Clipart.  You can choose your fave and use it. You can make your letters as small or as large as you want. 

2.  Print your title and cut it out.

3.  Glue it to the top of your anchor chart and you have an instant title that looks fab!!!!

Go make those anchor charts!

Teach and Be Great,