Monday, July 6, 2015

Book Study: Worksheets Don't Grow Dendrites Strategy 3 Field Trips

"The purpose of the brain is not to make good grades or to score high on standardized tests. The brain has but one purpose-survival in the real world." WoW! What a powerful statement and a great lead into the 3rd strategy, field trips.  Okay, okay, I'll of my least favorite activities is going on a field trip.  I was not a fan after reading about how effective field trips are I am feeling GUILTY!!!! Get those babies out of the classroom and let them experience their learning in the real world. Research shows that concrete experiences enable the brain to store a great deal of information. (Westwater & Wolfe, 2000)  

Something else that really really stuck with me is that we need to take our kiddos on the field trip BEFORE we teach the unit!!! When I did go on a field trip I would usually take it at the end of a unit instead of the beginning. It was always the culminating event.  However, if you take them before you begin the unit then they can link their learning with prior knowledge. GENIUS!!! Why didn't I know this earlier in my teaching career???? Now that we know better we will do better!

Sometimes money and time are factors that interfere with taking field trips so check out these links for virtual field trips.  

Ten of the Best Virtual Field Trips

5 Best Virtual Field trips

Virtual Field Trips Pinterest Board

Learning Expeditions: Rethinking Field Trips

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