Saturday, April 13, 2013

First Grade Envision Math Focus Wall

I had the best PD for a math focus wall yesterday!  We met with Kathy Graham from Pearson and she brought a few anchor charts that she used for math focus walls.  This is exactly what I needed to see!  I have struggled with my math focus wall for a while now.  I wasn't happy with it.  The kids weren't interacting with it and I was just going through the motions.  Well after yesterday's aha! moment I immediately created a new anchor chart for Topic 14, Using Data to Answer Questions.  Take a look at it!  I LOVE it!  
This is the top portion of the anchor chart.  It contains the topic question and the vocabulary.  According to research students will focus on words written in green.  Thus, the green vocabulary words.

I taped a second sheet to the bottom and wrote the I can statements with pictures for each lesson. Which in turn becomes our concept map for the topic.  I will fold the bottom and reveal the new statement each day.

Here is the entire chart unfolded.  It probably took me about 45 minutes to make and now I have it forever!  :0) I can't wait to use it on Monday!  

I know that time is precious for so many of us. Thus, came my idea to digitally create the focus walls for all 16 Envision Math Topics 2013. If you just don't have the time to devote to creating these anchor charts you can purchase them in my TPT store. I bundled all of the focus walls HERE or you can purchase them individually. Just go to my TPT STORE and click in the search box. Then type in the topic you want to purchase.  

To find more great Math ideas go HERE!

Reading Street Henry and Mudge Unit

I have finished my latest Reading Street Unit.  This unit is for the story, Henry and Mudge.  Contents include:

1 anchor chart: “Cause and Effect” This can be printed poster sized or sent to Staples to be printed.
High Frequency Words Matching Game
-ly & -ful Word Sort game
Take a Dip in the Pool Game for oo words.
Adjective task cards…can be used at a center or can be used to play Scoot
Amazing Words: one page for each word with a picture and definition. These pages can be printed for display or can be projected on Smart Board when introduced. Words are also written on stars to be put up in the room.
Stamp a Word Recording Sheet
Sheets for high frequency, amazing, and spelling words…laminate and place in word work area. Students can use wipe off markers to write their words.
Write the Room for oo words
Spelling Practice Test sheet: during buddy reading students give each other a test
Fluency Recording Sheets: during buddy reading students time one another and record the results
Writing a Class “How To” book includes pictures & cover for the book

Go HERE to get your copy.  

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Reading Street Peter's Chair

I just uploaded my latest Reading Street unit, Literacy Activities for Peter's Chair.  Included in the unit:

 1 anchor chart: “Theme” This can be printed poster sized or sent to Staples to be printed.
 Picture of anchor chart I made for my classroom
 High Frequency Words Matching Game
 Ue & Ew Word Sort game
 Somewhere Over the Rainbow Game for compound words.
 Adjective task cards…can be used at a center or can be used to play Scoot
 Amazing Words: one page for each word with a picture and definition. These pages can be printed for display or can be projected on Smart Board when introduced. Words are also written on stars to be put up in the room.
 Stamp a Word Recording Sheet
 Sheets for high frequency, amazing, and spelling words…laminate and place in word work area. Students can use wipe off markers to write their words.
 Write the Room for compound words
 Spelling Practice Test sheet: during buddy reading students give each other a test
 Fluency Recording Sheets: during buddy reading students time one another and record the results
 Writing a Thank You Note: includes pictures & graphic organizer
 Plot Craftivity with pictures and patterns

Go HERE or HERE to get your copy.
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